Daily Archives: May 4, 2013

McLeod County and your 2nd Amendment Rights

Passing on a message from McLeod County Sheriff Scott Rehmann. If this is something that you feel strongly about, please consider attending.

On Tuesday, May 7, at 930 or there after, Commissioner Jon Christensen will be introducing a resolution in support of our 2nd Amendment rights. The resolutions states that McLeod County nullifes any federal law that violates the 2nd Amendmant as written and understood by our founding fathers. It furthers requests that our state legislators enact a law that supports our rights under the 2nd Amendment. I understand that many of you have jobs but if you are able to attend and perhaps speak to the issue I would be grateful. McLeod county will be the first in MN to pass such a resolution and I feel it will be important to show our support to the commissioners. If you can attend please be there by 9:30 am in the commissioners room in the basement of the courthouse. Please feel free to pass this on to others that would be interested in attending. With the current talk of starting the gun control debate again after it failed at the state and federal level, I feel it is important to starting pushing back.

Thank you and God Bless!