This is just a reminder that the LPSC will be open for practice shooting only on Wednesday nights until further notice. We just have a few basic notes to mention:
1) Please practice social distancing whenever possible on the grounds.
2) We have a table set up for payment on the East side of the clubhouse. We are using practice cards for rounds so simply pay for the round and then drop the card in the coffee can located at each trap. We do have shells for sale if needed.
3) There will be no trap help on each trap so scores will not be recorded.
4) Please do not handle any of the equipment on the trap stations. If anything needs to be changed, club personnel will do it for you.
5) Per the Executive Order, we cannot open the clubhouse for any reason which means no restroom facilities. Please plan accordingly.
6) Per the Executive Order, we cannot hold any type of competitive shooting. This means no Handicap League or Lewis Class until the orders have changed.
We hope to see you all soon but continue to stay safe and we will all get through this!